Thursday 7 August 2008

Ronnie Wood To Beat Drink For Sake Of The Rolling Stones

Ronnie Wood is determined to kick his drink problem so that he can remain as a member of the Rolling Stones, according to a new report.

As we reported previously, Wood entered rehab earlier in the month, after a well publicised incident involving an so-called affair with a Russian bargirl named Ekaterina Ivanova.

A source claims Ronnie told Stones frontman Mick Jagger this weekend, that he promised to be goodly again to tour with the band "in front 2010", after the rockers recently proclaimed they would tour with or without him.

A informant told People magazine. "He [Wood] wants to come better for his kinsperson - merely also for the band. They want to keep touring as long as they physically can and Ronnie doesn't require to let the others down."

"He is doing really well in rehab and everyone close to him hopes he will